


Wildsam - Illustrations for a field guide to Newport: Gilded Age mansions, historic sporting grounds, beaches and marinas, the best restaurants, bars, museums and vistas. Editors: Madison Trapkin and Zach Dundas

1 of 6 maps focusing on themes relating to Newport.

Essay illustrations

Interview portraits

Map and spot illustration.

Amplify - Math unit illustrations both digital and hand crafted paper.

Hero illustrations for lesson beginnings.

In-lesson landing page.

Hand crafted paper for in-lesson highlights.

Curriculum Associates - In-lesson spot illustrations.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Patterns created for medical division marketing assets.

Patten featuring campus landmarks.

Health and wellness repeating patten.

Future Fields Studio - Illustrated print and digital assets for the band Madaila.

Abbott Laboratories - In-house creative services identity.

BOA Biomedical - Technical illustrations and guide layout for medical device.

Mission Creek Festival - Screenprinted poster for literature event based on the content of the speaking authors new book.

OVH Cloud - Sticker illustrations from developer puns.

Novo Skateboards - Urban living inspired skate deck illustrations.