
Print Design

Print Design

Curriculum Associates - CA is a leading educational company that empowers teachers and students with a wide range of educational assets. The K-2 Magnetic Reading program branding was developed to be fun engaging experience that spanned from Teacher Guides to Alphabet books. Pulling from the idea of hanging children’s artwork with fridge magnets, the concept expanded to a visually layered approach integrating illustration, complex layouts, and engaging illustrations for students and teaches alike. Creative Director: Hyeran Kim, Art Director: Raquel Hernandez

Teachers booklets along with spot illustrations for unit identification.

Alphabet books and vocabulary cards created by working with dozens of independent illustrators.

Abbott Laboratories - Abbott, one of the world's leading medical organizations, specializes in rapid diagnostic devices which help in the diagnosis and treatment of harmful diseases worldwide. In 2018 Abbott acquired Alere Medical, which resulted in the need to update a massive amount of deliverables. This included the rebranding of whole product divisions, catalogs, ads, Icons, and beyond.

Brand update include the redesign of all Toxicology catalogs and assets.

Burlington City Arts - BCA is one of Vermont's largest arts organizations. Reaching out to the community through educational studios, events, exhibitions, galleries, and festivals. Art direction for BCA include a wide range of printed assets including catalogs, event signage, mailers, and many more.

Fold out mailer to promote a partnership exhibition. This Mailer was part of a wide range of assets including both digital and print.

Selected catalog covers.

Selected interior from a summer catalog.

Boston Beer Co. - Boston Beer Co. the parent company of Sam Adams Brewery expanded their operations to help grow small craft breweries across the United States through their subsidiary A&S Brewing. A&S worked to provide marketing and operations support to the already established breweries, while allowing them to retain their independent voice. Design projects covered all aspects of a growing breweries needs, from sell sheets and coasters to events and rebranding packaging. Below are some of the many print promotion materials for various breweries, not pictured are the digital assets created alongside each of the print items.

Coney Island Brewery beer club membership items and promotional poster.

Coney Island Brewery event poster and in-store promotion.

Traveler Beer Co. event promotion.

Little Village Magazine - LV works hard to be Iowa's leading arts & culture magazine. The ever expanding nature of Little Village makes for many different challenges, but fantastic challenges to be a part of. These have ranged from a full rebranding, cover selections, magazine layout, ad design, helping launch apps, event promotions, and more.

Cover designs from pre and post brand redesign

Selected interior designs post rebranding.

Ad designs for events and contests.

Media Factory - Booklet design for community based media organization.